What will happen on LED Sports Lighting Business after the Pademic? Chanlleges or Opportunities?
Challegens or Opportunities after Pademic?
During the half and year’s lockdown, the sports lighting business is experiencing significant challenges never had in history. As the UK announces it will be fully open on July 19th, the sports lighting business will welcome its new opportunities over the world. In this article, we will discuss how we should overcome challenges and win new opportunities.

Overcome Challenges & Win Opportunities
To overcome this challenge, both chinese government and companies involoved should make efforts.
What has chinese government done?
@ Simplifying port documents for shipper
@ Encouraging shippers to deliver more ships to China
@ Improving containers’ production ability
@ Adjusting deposit reverse rate to maintain stable exchange rate and deducting cost increase
@ Providing more loans for international companies
What you can do? We can help!
@ To get stock-shorten lead time for end users
@ To find good products in long term- after this lockdown, players and spectators will have more expectation than ever to enjoy the game. Lighting is more important than ever.
@ To find products that conform to governments requirement and win financial support. Main concern on artificial lighting from government is HSE. Low spillage and energy saving.
@ To find suppliers that are willing to share some cost caused by the lockdown while maintain its good quality control.
@ To provide end user useful but not overspecificated lighting solution to win market. Professional lighting designer or orgination is needed.
What is You Final Choice?
Enkarl Arias LED Floodlight is your best choice!
Arias LED sports floodlight is a proven solution to WTA, ITF, FIT, ATP, RFA & FA. It earned ATP champion’s recommendations in the latest Molientto’s Country club job.
Arias is a floodlight designed for spillage and glare control. It is suitable for sports fields, airports, maritime use, and anywhere with strict control of lighting impact on environment and health.
Arias is a floodlight designed for spillage and glare control. It is suitable for sports fields, airports, maritime use, and anywhere with strict control of lighting impact on environment and health.
With multiple accurate photometric distributions, Arias overcomes the challenges of achieving reasonable glare control by sacrificing luminous efficiency.
A standard tennis court only needs 1.6 KW to achieve 300 lux and maintains uniformity to be 0.75. Coated by AkzoNobel powder, Arias can maximum its painting up to 25 years even in the harshest environment.
Modules design makes it easy to assemble and stock. A piece of 200 W Arias babe module can grow up to a part of 1200W Arias in your versatile hands.
Modules design makes it easy to assemble and stock. A piece of 200 W Arias babe module can grow up to a part of 1200W Arias in your versatile hands.
Would you mind finding more about LED Sports lighting business, please drop a messege to sales@enkarl.com